A downloadable game for Windows and macOS


Arrow keys to move

Z-Initiate Action (Press Again To Confirm It)

X-Cancel Action

C-Restart Level


This was my submission for the NOKIA 3310 jam, and my first original game, really: https://itch.io/jam/nokiajam3.

You play as Mr. Monochrome. and in the land of black and white (well, light green and dark green, but you get the idea), you must use his ability to hold 2 colors at once to manipulate yourself and the environment, in order to solve puzzles.

You can spend one of your colors to place a block or open a pathway,  but doing so robs you of one of your colors. Spending your light color will make you Mr. Black for example, where you can't place or remove blocks anymore, as well as other abilities you can get after a certain point.

The theme for this year was On/Off. I thought of it more as 1's and 0's, similar to the light and dark green coloring scheme, where you turn yourself on/off to satisfy different conditions to proceed.

For this jam, I went into it wanting to use the low resolution and binary coloring scheme as something that may actually be helpful rather than a hinderance, as well as something you may actually see on the Nokia.  The central gameplay loop of switching between the 2 available colors is my attempt at those design challenges.

I don't think I did bad for my first go at an original game. I've basically run the concept completely dry, unless I were to make it even more complicated and add more abilities, but it seems overkill.

Regardless, I can now officially call myself a game dev (that's generous), and that alone makes this a worthwhile experience for me! I had a lot of fun making this, and this jam was a great starting point. Feedback is greatly appreciated!


MrMonochrome.zip 1 MB

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